⤟ INFO ⤠
displayed name (wanted first name and "last name", as well as middle initial, if you want
expect a response fairly quickly with your account information to the bank, as well as instructions how to get there!
The ImagesFan Sillypoints game is a game played between Stu and his mutuals (who sign up, of course)
Stu is a banker, and you are the bankee!
Sillypoints are a currency that mutuals get when they
Send asks!
Play games!
Join my discords!
participate in ask games!
win hunger games!
and whatever else I feel like!
After signup, please login and notify me when you do, at least for this first time, and also notify me of any errors you may encounter with sillypoints on the sillypoints tumblr
You will receive a receipt wuth your login info and a gift when I am notified of your successful login, and it will be an image.
If you would like it to be in plain text, tell me!receipt example:

So, you've got yourself an account. You see at the bottom of your receipt it says something about a "marketplace?" what the hell does that mean? Well, I'll tell ya!
The Sillypints Market is truly a marketplace!
It's where you, and all other SCU account holders can post listings! Currently, I'm the only one posting, but if YOU want to sell something, fill out this criteria:

And DM me it! I'll post it for you, since the banker's the only one who can actually post anything. Don't worry though, all the money will go to you!